Basins of attraction in computing QT eigenvalues

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The computation of eigenvalues of QT matrices (using eig_all or eig_single) relies on a matrix iteration; this function draws the basins of attractions for different choices of such iteration.

More specifically, the following options are available (see [1] for further details):

The function identifies the basis by different colors in the domain $[x_0, x_1] \times [y_0, y_1]$.



The optional parameters are the following: * 'algo' selects the algorithm to analyze (should be an integer from 1 to 4, see above) * 'maxit' limits the number of iterations. * 'epsilon' controls the relative precision for the stopping criterion * 'verbose' enables debugging output if set to true. * 'advpx' enables the use of the Advanpix multiprecisio toolbox with a larger number of digits (the toolbox should be available and installed for this to work.) * 'digits' controls the number of digits to use when 'advpx' is set to true. * 'plotfig' directly plots the data returned in B.


We draw an example with an isolated eigenvalue close to 0.4, with a basin of attraction around it.

A = cqt([3 1], [3 2], 30 * ones(4));
basins(A, 64, -1, 7, -3, 3, 'plotfig', true);
hold on;
plot(eig_all(A), 'r*');


[1] D. A. Bini, B. Iannazzo, B. Meini, J. Meng, L. Robol, Computing eigenvalues of semi-infinite quasi Toeplitz matrices, in preparation, 2022.