
Solving linear systems with QT matrices

Given a QT matrix $A$, we may want to solve a linear system $Ax = b$. Since $A$ is infinite-dimensional, the same holds for $x$ and $b$, and we need therefore to assume that they can be truncated to a finite length.

If $b$ has finite support, we can represent it as a vector of infinite length by slightly "abusing" the QT representation, and interpret it as a QT matrix with zero symbol, and a correction in the first column only.

b = cqt([ 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ]);

We now define a matrix $A$. If the symbol is invertible, we can evaluate $x = A^{-1}b$, and this is overloaded in MATLAB by means of the backslash operator.

A = cqt([ 4 1 ], [ 4 -1], rand(4)); % QT matrix with random correction
x = A \ b;

Right now x is a QT matrix as well, again with zero-symbol and a correction in the first column. To extract the solution of the linear system truncated to a finite length vector, we use the correction command:

fx = correction(x); length(fx)
ans =


We can check the norm of the residual in the 2-norm by using the norm command; this should be comparable to the current accuracy set with cqtoption('threshold'). Note that all these object are of infinite size, and truncation is performed automatically.

norm(A * x - b, 2) / norm(b, 2)
ans =


In practice, one can also check that the residual is small on a "large" enough finite section of $A$. If $n$ is not chosen large enough, then the result will be inaccurate.

n = 10;
norm(A(1:n, 1:n) * x(1:n, 1) - b(1:n, 1)) / norm(b(1:n, 1))

n = 1e3;
norm(A(1:n, 1:n) * x(1:n, 1) - b(1:n, 1)) / norm(b(1:n, 1))
ans =


ans =


UL factorizations

In practice, linear systems are not solved by explicitly computing the inverse. Rather, we factorize $A$ into an UL factorization plus a low-rank correction, by computing matrices U, L, E such that

$$ A = UL + E $$

where $U$ is upper triangular and Toeplitz, $L$ is lower triangular and Toeplitz, and $E = WZ^*$ is a low-rank correction. Without the correction, this allows to solve linear systems by a (properly truncated) backsubstitution scheme. When $E \neq 0$, we use a Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formulate to evaluate $x = A^{-1}b$.

The factorization can be computed in MATLAB by using the ul command:

[U, L, E] = ul(A);
norm(U*L + E - A)
ans =
